There are four branches of Chinese Medicine: Five element acupuncture, herbal medicine, Chinese bodywork, and Medical Qigong. Qigong is an ancient form of Chinese Energetic Medicine using the same theory as Five element acupuncture. The word "Qi" translates to energy. It is the Life Force that exists within every living being. “Gong” means cultivation or building a skill.
By practicing Qigong, one can enhance their body's energy and establish excellent health, wellness, and longevity by removing blockages and balancing the Qi. Join us on a journey to learn and develop the skills of Medical Qigong for a healthier and more balanced life.
Qigong is a holistic approach that resolves medical conditions as well as empowering people to reach their highest potential and have a life they love, full of joy, and fulfillment, great relationships, satisfaction in their career and financial abundance. Welcome to this powerful and inspiring program. It was designed with different needs in mind:
Those who want to become practitioners, learn how to cultivate your energy and become powerful healers. For those who are interested in life mastery, learn this ancient practice that will change your body on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. For those who are eager to speed up your spiritual journey. Help you establish a practice and use it for your personal development. For people who are in physical and/or emotional pain.
We are here to help you learn Qigong through a combination of meditation, exercises, and hands-on instruction. With our guidance, you'll develop the skills to balance your mind, correct ailments within the body, and take charge of your own healing process. Join us on the path to a healthier and more balanced life through the power of Qigong.
The Medical Qigong Practitioner, MQP Certificate program is a 250 hours program.
Students are taught the foundation of Chinese energetic medicine and the Taoist philosophy. The understanding of types of qi gong exercises, Purgation, Tonification, and Regulation. Plus, various Medical Qigong exercises for self-healing and to establish a daily qigong routine. In addition, students learn the General Protocol and different energy emission techniques. Energy assessment techniques and how to establish a safe environment for healing.
Graduates of the program will have the foundations and the skills to treat a variety of diseases and ailments. This program will prepare them to start their own practice.Under the guidance of Dr. Goren, with experience of teaching and healing since 1992, with our comprehensive curriculum, and hands-on instruction, you'll develop the skills and knowledge needed to become a successful Medical Qigong Practitioner.
Don't wait any longer to embark on this rewarding journey.
With our comprehensive curriculum, hands-on instruction, you'll develop the skills and knowledge needed to become a successful Medical Qigong Practitioner.
The Program
The Medical Qigong practitioner certification program consists of five modules, each one five days long. It takes 10 months to complete this program. The practitioner program is the foundation of Medical Qigong where you learn how to heal yourself, and how to apply this profound knowledge into your practice. In this program, we are teaching the theory and practical applications established at the Xi Yuan Medical Qigong Hospital in Beijing, China.
Why study with Dr. Goren?
Dr. Goren has been training since he was 16 in Transcendental Meditation, Swedish massage, Five element acupuncture, Qigong, Zero Balancing, Spiritual Healing, NLP, hypnosis, interpersonal communication, Think and Grow Rich coaching, public speaking, and Acupuncture Injection Therapy. He has synthesized all of these into a very effective and powerful program that will change your life forever.
Don't wait any longer to embark on this rewarding journey.
The Self-Healing and Energetic Development module provides the foundational knowledge and practical applications of Medical Qigong Therapy.
In this module, students will be introduced to the theory and practice of Medical Qigong for promoting health, vitality, and self-healing of the body, mind, and spirit. It has tremendous value as a stand-alone course.
It is the first module of the 250hr.
Students will receive training in:
→ The proper structural, respiratory, and mental components of Qigong.
→ The foundations of Chinese Medicine.
→ Energetic Anatomy and Physiology, and Energetic Embryology.
→ Tonification, purgation, and regulation of the internal organs, meridians, and energetic fields of the body.
→ Emotional detoxification.
→ Qigong and meditation practices for strengthening and supporting health.
→ Protective meditations practices.
→ The three treasures of Jing, Qi, and Shen.
The module also covers personal energetic cultivation and establishing a medical Qigong regimen. Throughout the course, students experience profound shifts in awareness, understanding, and personal growth.
The module is designed to introduce students to Medical Qigong exercises that help the body correct physical and energetic imbalances, regulate internal organs, nervous system and immune system, relieve pain, regulate hormones, and release deep-seated emotions and stress. Other topics include respiration, posture, mental training, healing sounds, analyzing and categorizing Qigong exercises, and the introduction to Medical Qigong prescriptions.
The module objective is to provide students with a basic understanding of the three regulations of Medical Qigong and enable them to properly develop a Medical Qigong routine.
Prerequisite: there are no prerequisites for this module.
This course introduces students to the Medical Qigong General Protocol, which is the foundation for all the Medical Qigong protocols. Students will also learn about developing individualized qigong exercise routines for clients and clinical energetic diagnostic techniques.
This course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of advanced Medical Qigong Therapy and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
The curriculum is designed to cover theories of:
→ Energy purgation, tonification, regulation, and cultivation.
→ Techniques used to strengthen the body's protective energy field (Wei Qi).
→ Avoid absorbing Toxic Qi while working in a clinical environment.
→ Developing energetic sensitivity and perception skills.
→ Advanced emotional detoxification.
→ Yi Quan, a Qigong exercise to develop focus and vibration ability for purgation.
The objective of this module is to develop energetic diagnostic and projection skills with a focus on clinical Qigong therapy and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Emphasis will be placed on the General Protocol and establishing a safe place for healing.
Prerequisite: Module 1, Self-Healing and Energetic Development.
This course is designed to provide students with advanced theories and techniques in Medical Qigong Therapy. The curriculum includes advanced energy purgation, tonification, regulation, and cultivation, as well as self-care exercises and meditations that can be tailored to meet the individual needs of clients. Emphasis will be placed on integrating Qigong modalities, advanced assessment, energetic modulation skills, case studies, and exercises.
The curriculum is designed to cover theories of:
→ The four functional properties of energy.
→ Materializing and dematerializing energy.
→ Advanced Qi emittion methods.
→ Invisible Needle, Energetic Point Stimulation.
→ Energy Balls, and Energetic Cast.
→ Energetic cords and how to remove them.
The objective of this course is to deepen students' comprehension of the body's energetic matrix as it pertains to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Disease, Diagnosis, and the Medical Qigong Clinic. Students will learn advanced assessment techniques, sound therapy, and how to vibrate energy to break stagnation. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to apply advanced Qigong modalities, assessment techniques, and energetic modulation skills to develop a comprehensive Medical Qigong protocol for clients
Prerequisite: Module 2 - Introduction to the General Protocol
The fourth session of the Medical Qigong Program focuses on teaching students advanced theories and clinical modalities for treating diseases of the internal organs. The session also includes instruction on the use of Medical Qigong exercises and meditations as homework for clients. Specific protocols are taught for treating internal organ disharmonies, including the liver, heart, lungs, spleen, stomach, and kidneys. Secondary protocols are taught for each of the primary Yin organs
→ Treatment protocol for the 5 Yin organs.
→ Secondary protocols for each of the Yin organs.
→ The Hun Yuan qigong exercise.
→ Prescriptions for the different organs.
Prerequisite: Module 3 - Clinical Foundations of Medical Qigong Therapy
This module is the culmination of the program. Students are expected to integrate their knowledge and skills to work with clients in a supervised on-site internship. This seminar includes comprehensive reviews of the entire program as well as different energetic dysfunctions and their manifestations.
Throughout the internship phase, the instructor will guide and assist students in all phases of assessment and Qi Emission. The course content will also cover case studies, integrating advanced modalities, applying advanced assessment and energetic modulation skills, and comprehensive academic and practical reviews of MQP theory and skill sets.
The course objectives are for students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills acquired throughout the program by:
→ Demonstrating all qigong exercises taught in the program and discussing their appropriateness or contraindication for specific clients.
→ Utilizing assessment techniques, analytical and energetic, to provide a complex Medical Qigong protocol to a client, using appropriate secondary protocols and various qi emission techniques.
→ Teaching self-care exercises to clients based on their individualized needs, as assessed energetically and analytically via intake information and information obtained during the General Protocol.
→ Demonstrating and appropriately utilizing all qi emission and healing sound techniques taught in the program and discussing their appropriateness or contraindication.
Prerequisite: all 4 modules to graduate from the MQP Program.
Dr. Isaac Goren, DMQ (China) M.Ac. is a highly experienced Doctor of Medical Qigong and Master of Acupuncture who has been practicing and teaching since 1997. He is an expert in treating chronic diseases, depression, anxiety, and various other health conditions. Dr. Goren has been teaching Medical Qigong and acupuncture at the Academy for Five Element Acupuncture (AFEA) in Gainesville Florida, Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine (ATOM), and Sao Paulo, Brazil. He is a former clinic director at AFEA where he served on the board of directors as the vice chair. Dr. Goren is a faculty member at ATOM. He has had his private practice for 27 years, in South Florida. Dr. Goren dedicated his life to healing people, transforming their lives, and finding ways to speed up that process. He is married with five children